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Thursday, December 11, 2008

What I've Learned.

Posted by Agill

So, being in my first few months of being a youth director at a local church, just thought it'd be fun to share with ya'll a few things I've learned here starting off. So here ya go:

1. No matter how hard I try I can’t grow a goatee
2. Long Beach and Newport Beach = polar opposites
3. Receipts are like gold.
4. I’m not “Mr. SuperYouthLeaderDude”. Slow and steady. Pace yourself. It’s going to take years.
5. I can get free meals if I plan meetings during lunch. J
6. Fast food will be my cause of death.
7. Guard your day off.
8. I’m going to live in poverty for the rest of my life.
9. I need good, honest, well intentioned people around me…
10. Don’t sell out. Watering things down (as in the gospel) is not an option.
11. No matter how many times I bomb, in the end Jesus still wins, and the church will still exist.


sassy said...

you rock andy, i miss you


Anonymous said...

Hey man! Thanx for the link-love. I'm a RSS subscriber now. Looking forward to future posts! Like what I see so far.

Colin Chan Redemer said...

these are good and challenging reminders. thanks.